la pampa

The province of La Pampa is one of the youngest states in Argentina, as it came to political recognition 1952.

It is located in the center of the country, absorbing recent characterizations of the pampas of Buenos Aires – northwest end – and the hallmarks of Patagonia, in most of the remaining territory, setting a geographic hinge action of the Pampas bridge transformed into a solidarity integration of our country.

It has an area of 143.440 km2, representing 6% the national total, a population of 318.951 inhabitants according to the census 2010 and is divided into 22 departments. In gradual growth, an ejector process reversing population, which it marked its territory in past decades.

Its boundaries are:

North: Mendoza, San Luis and Córdoba.
South: Río Negro.
East:Buenos Aires.
West: Mendoza.

Its geographical location has a series of advantages:

It has a strategic position with respect to other provinces and major ports that connect the country with the American continent and the world. This favorable position allows the Province to be in permanent contact with the most important markets and develop good communication and constant trade and cultural exchange with the northern provinces, the oasis Cuyo, the rest of Patagonia and the Atlantic coast.
As door Patagonia Argentina has established a process of integration, tracing links to form a definitive regional unit.

Capital City Santa Rosa
Surface (Km2) 143.440
Estimated population (2020) 353.944
Population density (2020) (hab./km2) 2,47
Population growth intercenso 10.97%
Sex Ratio (2019) 97,9
Infant mortality rate, live births (2017) 7,6‰
Crude mortality rate (2017) 7,6‰
Crude birth rate (2017) 13,89‰
Literacy (2010) 98,1%
Students Univ. Nac. La Pampa (2018) 11.576

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